Family Post Holiday Blues

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Oh, my word are you sluggish? Are your kids irritable? Are you having a hard time getting back into the routine of “normal”? I have to be honest, I am. I just realized I haven’t written a post since December 14th! Obviously I got into the holidays without even knowing I had. I look back at the holidays and they weren’t THAT exciting for me. They weren’t filled with parties, dinners, cocktails, decorations or running around buying presents so how I ended up not blogging is beyond me. Needless to say I am struggling to get back into my routines. As a business owner I can definitely see a reduction in business growth due to my…holiday drag. I’m actually forcing myself to write today in my jammies since I put it off it may never happen. All I can say is; thank goodness for coffee.

I’m sure, as a good parent, you’re not giving your kids coffee to cope with getting back to school, and even you might be hoping for a better solution then just coffee to get you going. So, I’ve done some research and here are a few things I’ve found to be helpful; so helpful in fact I may get out of my jammies after I finish this blog!

  • Are post holiday blues real? Statistics and studies vary but who cares? If you feel sluggish after the Holidays then yes, they are real for you!
  • Self-discipline needs to be re-ignited. It is easy for me to regain self-discipline because I live right next to a homeless shelter and I say to myself if I don’t get myself together I may have to pitch a tent (possibly more on this later).
  • Force yourself to be happy with your routine and the happiness will catch up with you. The old saying: “Fake it until you make it” though trite, it has some truth to it.
  • Don’t add to the stress of post holiday blues by being so regimented about those New Year’s resolutions you set. This is the time to be kind to yourself and your kids.
  • Lastly, keep on truckin’ and soon you’ll be right back to normal and the holidays will be in the rearview mirror, and contentment with the everyday will return.

Wow, I’m feeling better already. If there is one thing I’ve learned through my long life is that my feelings and interpretations of experiences will change, and how I get through stress is simply give it time, and given enough time I will feel better. Just remember you’ll always be fine.



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